
RoboJawn is similar to an official Qualifier in many ways. Teams bring their robots and their Gracious Professionalism to compete in this years’ challenge following FIRST‘s challenge rules. What sets RoboJawn apart is the way we do judging.

RoboJawn aims to lift the veil on judging. Teams will go into judging rooms in pairs, giving them the opportunity to observe another team’s judge interview. After both teams have presented, the students and judges have a few minutes to ask each other questions and to offer each other feedback. It’s a great learning experience for all, and provides teams with inside knowledge that benefits them as they prepare to present at an official qualifier next season.

Each FIRST LEGO League team will participate in only one of the three judging streams (Core Values, Innovation Project, or Robot Design). Teams share their preferences when they register, and slots in each stream are filled first-come first-served. Some teams will pick the stream they feel the strongest in, in hopes of winning an award. Other teams will pick the stream they feel weakest in, in hopes of learning more. Either strategy is fine! Teams are only eligible for awards in the judging area they participate in. All teams will compete in robot matches and will be eligible for robot performance awards.