“Not all schools are fortunate enough to have the funds to be able to build robots. They might have old material, but then it won’t be up-to-date compared to all the other schools. So donating money means everyone can enjoy the same robotics experience.”
— Danny, 10th grade, Central High School
Equity is the name of the game. Disparities in public education mean many Philly students do not have access to the same advanced STEM opportunities as their suburban peers. We work to ensure that under-resourced public schools have the human, material, and financial resources to sustain high-quality robotics programs.
Donate today to our #RoboEquity campaign to help us increase equity in STEM education. Our campaign runs March 7-30, 2022. All proceeds support the Philadelphia Robotics Coalition’s afterschool and summer robotics programs.
DONATE TODAY: https://bit.ly/roboequity2022